cPicture Photo Blog

Encrypt / Decrypt your pictures

These two plugins encrypt and decrypt your pictures to avoid unauthorized access. For example you can store your pictures in an online storage without the fear of anyone scanning and looking at your pictures. The encryption and decryption is done with the Windows .NET Security library via a powershell plugin and uses a 256bit symmetrical chiffre which keeps even the NSA out.


Unzip the encrypt-decrypt plugin to the folder where you copied cPicture.exe
(Make sure you change the password and the secret phrases in both the encrypt and decrypt script!)


Select your pictures and click the function plug-ins button in the menu ribbon to select the encrypt script:

The pictures cannot be read anymore and will be shown as such. You would add those pictures to your online store or send it to someone. If you send the pictures to someone, you need to pass on your encrypt.ps1 and decrypt.ps1 script passwords in a secure channel. Since you encrypt before any Internet Transfer, there is no chance anyone looking at them.

To decrypt, select the encrypted pictures and click the function plug-ins button in the menu ribbon to select the decrypt script:

The pictures will be now visible again:

Note: The script plugin in this package does not display the Powershell console for each processed picture. If you like to have a console displayed for each processed picture, use the Script plugin for powershell scripts from the Plugins page.
The only difference in the script plugin is in line #204 plugin.cpp. See the source code of the plugin for more detail.

shInfo.nShow = SW_HIDE;

cPicture 3.2

cPicture is updated to version 3.2

  • Added support for video codecs for the latest digital camera models

Download the .ZIP file, open the ZIP file and copy the cPicture.exe anywhere on your computer to run the app or use the 'Check for updates' button in the 'Other' category.
See the Download Instructions for more details.

Function Plugins

cPicture supports function plug-ins to process/display selected pictures.
The Plug-In is a DLL-File located in the same folder as cPicture and starts with 'cpp_'. For example 'cpp_fp1.dll'.
Click the function plug-ins button in the menu ribbon to display all installed plug-ins.

Sample 1

Sample 2

Sample 3

.bat Script

The script files need to be in the same folder. You can use max 255 scripts.

example.bat file:

@echo OFF

echo file=%1
echo name=%2
echo path=%3
echo width=%4
echo height=%5
echo sequence number=%6 
echo number of files=%7

REM "Press any key to continue ..."

Powershell script


$picture_data_set = ConvertFrom-Json -InputObject $picture_data_json

# Print the number of pictures.
[int]$size = $picture_data_set.length
Write-Host "$size picture(s):" -ForegroundColor White
Write-Host ("-" * 15)

# Print the picture data.
[int]$i = 1
foreach ($picture_data in $picture_data_set) {

    [int]$MP = $picture_data.width * $picture_data.height / 1000000
    "Image '{0}' ({4} of {5}) with {1}x{2} pixel ({3}MP)" -f $picture_data.file, $picture_data.width, $picture_data.height, $MP, $i, $size
    "  name='$($picture_data.name)', dir='$($picture_data.dir)'`n"

    "-" * 70


HDR enfuse

This plugin uses the enfuse tool to create a HDR picture from at least 2 pictures.

Structure and details

A function plug-ins will be executed in 3 steps. The following example displays a message box for each step.

Step 1

The function start(...) will be called with a list of all selected pictures. In this first sample, all picture names will displayed in the message box:

Step 2

The function process_picture(...) will be called for each selected picture:

Step 3

The funktion end() will be called last:

The return value determines which pictures were modified/deleted or added. cPicture adjusts the display accordingly.

cPicture can supply each picture with additional picture data. This is controlled by the return value of start(...). With this you can easily create external display applications (example above) or simply call a script or an external program. The execution stops if the return value is set to 'false'.


Use the function plugins from the main menu to manage and download the plugins.

C++ Source Code for the plugins

Micro 4/3 7.5mm Fisheye, Panorama - Part 2: Custom adapter

To create a spherical panorama, the only important part is to rotate the zero paralax point of the lens around a fixed point in space. It is not necessary to level the adapter because the full sphere is captured.

The plane of the zero paralax point of the 7.5mm fish eye lens is between the front barrel and the hood.

Custom adapter

This is a custom adapter specific to the Panasonic GM1:

Micro 4/3 7.5mm Fisheye, Panorama - Part 1: The Setup

This is the first post of a series to create 360°x180° panoramic images using the cheap 7.5mm Micro 4/3 Fisheye. This lens is a 7.5mm FullFrame Fisheye (180° diagonal view) for the Micro 4/3 lens mount with aperture and distance ring. The lens is fully manual with no electrical contacts and require the camera to be in A mode and the setting 'shooting without lens'.

The Setup

To create 360°x180° panoramic images it is best to use a Fisheye to reduce the amount of images needed. Only 6 images are required using a FullFrame Fisheye for the spherical Image: Four images horizontal, one up (Zenit) and one down (Nadir).

The 7.5mm Fisheye mounted on the camera:

Using a DIY Arca-Swiss compatible plate to attach the camera to the Nodal Ninja panoramic adapter:

The red line marks the zero point to rotate the lens around. The adapter needs to be adjusted accordingly:

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