21 March, 2016
ExifTools - change exif date
To make adjustments for all exif fields in your pictures, you can use the script plugin in cPicture to run the ExifTools on your picture selection.
Assume the camera date/time is wrong by accident and all pictures are stamped with one week in advance.
This example sets all exif date fields back 7 days.
Create a text file, copy the following content and name it to ExifDate.ps1 and save it in the cPicture.exe folder:
# plugin variables
# console=true displays a console, use this option for scripts with text output
# noexit=true keeps the console open, set to 'false' to have the console closed when processing is done
param (
-name name
-file file
-dir dir
-width PictureWidth
-height PictureHeight
-i sequence number
-n number of files
-name c:\picture_folder\picture.jpg
-file picture.jpg
-dir c:\picture_folder\
-width 1024
-height 768
-i 1
-n 4
# exiftool in cPicture installation folder
# "Year:Month:Day Hour:Minute:Second"
C:\cPicture\exiftool.exe -AllDates-="0:0:7 0:0:0" $name
Start cpicture, select your pictures you want to change, select the function module selection and select the script you just created:
Hint: If you use any of the exif functions in cPicture, ExifTools gets automatically installed for you.