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Panorama Tutorial PTGui: Missing Zenit and Nadir with holes

25 March, 2022

The Zenit is the upward picture and the Nadir the downward picture taken to complete a full 360x180° panoramic image. But in this set, the Zenit is missing unfortunately. No picture of the sky. Only this silly Truck blocking the street view:

This results in a project with empty Zenit, and in this case for this tutorial, a Nadir with a hole due to masked shadows:

To fix this, check for a matching picture in your collection. In this case, one with sunny sky taken at about the same time. It doesn't need to be a Zenit shot. If not available, it is also possible to create an image with similar content using an image editor:

To fix the Nadir, add a copy of the current Nadir picture to the project and manually position the copy over the hole. Often the texture of the bottom is like that and using a copy works nicely:

The new Zenit from the added picture is positioned manually to cover the missing sky. You cannot use control points here unless this is a shot from the same location with matching features.

Both the new Zenit and the copy of the Nadir gets a mask to avoid wrong seam lines when the panorama gets completed:

The added areas are positioned:

The PTGui blender makes sure that there is gradual transition between the stitched pictures to make it look perfect:

The final stitched panorama.

Terme di Caracalla

25 March, 2022

Die Terme di Caracalla waren einer der größten öffentlichen Badeanstalten, die von 212 bis 216 erbaut wurden, und bis etwa 530 in Betrieb waren.

The Terme di Caracalla were the city's second largest public baths, built between AD 212 and 216 and in use until the 530s.

Interactive Panorama of Terme di Caracalla

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