G0602 gears - more with Powershell (15.04.2014)
Roku Streaming Stick (03.04.2016)
IOT: Arduino weather station, Overview and Installation (25.12.2016)
Using the Optrel Weldcap for Sun Eclipse 2017 (21.08.2017)
Math Question #1 (24.11.2017)
Math Question #2 (24.11.2017)
Math Question #3 (24.11.2017)
Math Question #4 (24.11.2017)
IOT: Arduino weather station, using the Arduino MKR 1010 (20.10.2018)
Indexer for Atlas 7B Shaper, Part 1 (20.01.2019)
Math126, Taylor series (17.03.2019)
Engineering Pi Day (22.07.2019)
Katzentreppe (03.08.2022)
Internationaler Katzentag 😺 (08.08.2022)
Nationaler Katzentag 😺 (29.10.2022)
PowerBall Mania (04.11.2022)
Plaid - Don't do it. (19.12.2022)
chatGPT, talk to me (05.02.2023)
The new gardener 😺 (26.05.2023)
Grillzeit 🌶 (03.06.2023)
Squirrel Proof Bird Feeder 🐿 (09.06.2023)
Hühnchen-Gemüse-Burger (01.10.2023)
Teegebäck 🍪 (01.11.2023)
Der Bratwurststand 🌭 (07.01.2024)
Blechgemüse 🥕🥔🍆 (26.02.2024)
Chinesische Radlager (13.04.2024)
Order 66 👾🌌🛸 (19.04.2024)
May the 4th 👾 (03.05.2024)
Mini 🐰🎞🍿 (16.06.2024)
Heute ist 🥳🎉🎊 (17.08.2024)
Coin slot cap tool (06.09.2024)
Liquid Diet Menu (21.09.2024)
Repair BMW, M72, CJ750, URAL transmission output shaft (28.05.2017)
Custom airfilter box (20.09.2017)
Custom airfilter box version 2.0 (25.09.2017)
Custom airfilter box version 3.0 (20.04.2018)
Carburetor vacuum ports (28.05.2018)
Custom Intake Pipe (11.07.2018)
Neutral switch for CJ750 / M72 (27.04.2019)
Overflow valve for CJ750 / M72 final drive (15.05.2019)
Erste Ausfahrt 2022 (23.04.2022)
Handbremse fürs Motorrad (23.04.2022)
Benzinkanisterhalter, Teil 1, die Vorbereitung (23.04.2022)
Benzinkanisterhalter, Teil 2, das Zusammenbauen (23.04.2022)
Benzinkanisterhalter, Teil 3, das Montieren (23.04.2022)
Final Drive Rebuilt for CJ750 / M72 - Preparation (23.04.2023)
Final Drive Rebuilt for CJ750 / M72 - The Spring (23.04.2023)
Final Drive Rebuilt for CJ750 / M72 - Assemble The Ring Gear (23.04.2023)
Final Drive Rebuilt for CJ750 / M72 - Gear Contact Pattern (23.04.2023)
Final Drive Rebuilt for CJ750 / M72 - Brake Cam (24.04.2023)
Final Drive Rebuilt for CJ750 / M72 - A New Axle (24.04.2023)
Final Drive Rebuilt for CJ750 / M72 - Assemble The Pinion Gear and Finalizing (24.04.2023)
CJ750 M5 Wheel Bearings (25.04.2023)
Changing Motorcycle Tire (25.04.2023)
Oil Seals (30.04.2023)
CJ750 Gearbox gets a new 3rd and 4th gear - The Plan (05.10.2024)
CJ750 Gearbox gets a new 3rd and 4th gear - Modify the input shaft (05.10.2024)
CJ750 Gearbox gets a new 3rd and 4th gear - Oil catch disc (05.10.2024)
CJ750 Gearbox gets a new 3rd and 4th gear - Install 3rd and 4th gear (05.10.2024)
CJ750 Gearbox gets a new 3rd and 4th gear - Align 3rd and 4th gear (05.10.2024)
CJ750 Gearbox gets a new 3rd and 4th gear - Adjust the input shaft (05.10.2024)
CJ750 Gearbox gets a new 3rd and 4th gear - Adjust the reverse shifter (05.10.2024)
CJ750 Gearbox gets a new 3rd and 4th gear - Output shaft spacers (05.10.2024)
CJ750 Gearbox gets a new 3rd and 4th gear - Test-Adapter (05.10.2024)
CJ750 Gearbox gets a new 3rd and 4th gear - Final Assembly 1 (05.10.2024)
CJ750 Gearbox gets a new 3rd and 4th gear - Final Assembly 2 (05.10.2024)
CJ750 Gearbox gets a new 3rd and 4th gear - Miscellaneous (05.10.2024)
DX-Objektive an FX-Format, Nikon D700 (29.09.2008)
Nokton 58mm F1.4 SL II (30.01.2013)
Visited the Snowflake Lane Parade (22.12.2018)
Dragonfly landed safely (06.07.2019)
Fisheye as the universal wide angle lens (18.03.2022)
A Day in Florence, Italy (11.04.2022)
Stadtbilder von Rom (11.04.2022)
7Artisans Fisheye 7.5mm f/2.8 Nikon Z gets a makeover (24.06.2023)
Nikon Lens Queries (03.07.2023)
Tilt lens for Nikon Z (16.08.2023)
Using the Nikon Slide Copying Adapter with a Nikon DX Z Camera, Part 1 (19.08.2023)
Using the Nikon Slide Copying Adapter with a Nikon DX Z Camera, Part 2 (23.08.2023)
Nikon AI conversion for the NIKKOR-H 300mm f/4.5 (26.08.2023)
Sonntags 🍰🥧☕ (27.08.2023)
Sonnenfinsternis 2023 ☉🌛 (14.10.2023)
DIY Solar Filter (20.10.2023)
Camera out-of-focus shapes (01.12.2023)
Sonnenuntergang 🌇 (16.01.2024)
Landschaftsbilder, Bingen am Rhein, Deutschland (16.01.2024)
Sonntagskaffee mit Hefe-Schokoladen-Gebäck ☕🥮 (21.01.2024)
Zunehmender Halbmond 🌓🌛 (17.02.2024)
Der Osterhase und die Torte 🐣🐰🎂 (01.04.2024)
Die Adler kreisen übers Haus 🦅🦅 (03.05.2024)
Ein Blumenstrauß zum Muttertag 💐🌹 (12.05.2024)
Nikon 50-250mm - Gartentierkinder 🐇🐦🐿 (11.06.2024)
Kleine Brote 🥳 (16.06.2024)
Analog Photography (12.09.2024)
Arduino Darkroom Timer (24.09.2024)
Silvester 2024 🥳🥂 (31.12.2024)
DS 21 Pallas 🚗 (13.01.2024)
Opel’s 125th Anniversary: A Journey Through Time (03.10.2024)
Excel Columns (16.01.2013)
PowerShell - ConvertTo-XLSX using fast automation (18.01.2013)
.NET nullable type (26.01.2013)
IIS - redirect subdomain to a directory (05.02.2013)
Redirect HTML pages (05.02.2013)
Unix time in PowerShell (05.02.2013)
CMFCRibbonBar: change tooltips at runtime (23.02.2013)
Web page with inline image (07.03.2013)
'Encountered an improper argument.' (11.03.2013)
Encrypt your data (30.01.2014)
use TLS1.2 (24.02.2018)
Replace substring in substrings with Regular expressions (21.04.2019)
Xamarin - change image for ImageButton (21.04.2020)
Android Room database migration and testing in Kotlin (08.06.2020)
Project - StockRoom (22.08.2020)
Project AI code (27.03.2021)
Project AI code update (11.10.2021)
AI code calculus examples (11.10.2021)
Text file encoding with PowerShell (24.04.2022)
Using List in PowerShell (24.04.2022)
Scan text with regex in PowerShell (24.04.2022)
chatGPT result encoding (13.02.2023)
Translate to any language using PowerShell (31.05.2024)
C++ aggregate using a lambda (12.10.2024)
C++ function inside a function (30.11.2024)
C++ std::map using the __m128i type (10.02.2025)
Tropical beach (16.06.2024)
Frohe Weihnachten 2024 (25.12.2024)
Fisheye MC Zenitar-N 16mm f/2.8 Lens (30.01.2013)
The Tower Panorama (01.06.2013)
Adapter für Micro 4/3 auf Nikon F (25.12.2013)
Micro 4/3 7.5mm Fisheye, Panorama - Teil 1: Der Aufbau (27.12.2013)
Micro 4/3 7.5mm Fisheye, Panorama - Teil 2: Halter (29.12.2013)
Perfectly Square (19.03.2015)
3D RoundView (29.05.2015)
Seattle Great Wheel through the Fisheye (08.07.2017)
Seattle panorama (01.08.2018)
Stereographic projection (01.08.2018)
Golden State Warriors vs Sacramento Kings in the Seattle KeyArena (06.10.2018)
Westin Maui Resort, Ka'anapali, Maui, Hawaii (19.09.2021)
Hulopo'e Beach, Maui, Hawaii (19.09.2021)
Michelangelo's David, Florence, Italy (17.03.2022)
Scalinata di Trinità dei Monti, Rome, Italy (17.03.2022)
Piazza Venezia, Rome, Italy (18.03.2022)
Piazza Navona, Rome, Italy (18.03.2022)
Piazza del Popolo, Rome, Italy (18.03.2022)
Castel Sant'Angelo, Rome, Italy (18.03.2022)
Basilica di Santa Maria in Ara coeli, Italy, Rome (20.03.2022)
St. Peter's Basilica, Vatican City, Italy (24.03.2022)
Colosseum, Rome, Italy (25.03.2022)
Tiber Island, Rome, Italy (25.03.2022)
Terme di Caracalla (25.03.2022)
Via dei Fori Imperiali (25.03.2022)
Roman Forum, Rome, Italy (25.03.2022)
Busy Roman Street, Italy (25.03.2022)
Panorama Tutorial PTGui: Missing Zenit and Nadir with holes (25.03.2022)
Ehrenfels Castle, Rüdesheim, Germany (26.03.2022)
Niederwalddenkmal, Rüdesheim, Germany (26.03.2022)
Klopp Castle, Bingen, Germany (26.03.2022)
Car ferry, Rhine River, Bingen, Germany (26.03.2022)
Scharlachkopf, Bingen, Germany (26.03.2022)
Rhein panorama, Bingen, Germany (26.03.2022)
Village Church, Bingen, Germany (26.03.2022)
Europe's best Bratwurststand, Bad Kreuznach, Germany (30.03.2022)
Eiermarkt, Bad Kreuznach, Germany (30.03.2022)
Kurviertel und Brückenhäuser, Bad Kreuznach, Germany (30.03.2022)
Brückenhäuser, Bad Kreuznach, Germany (30.03.2022)
Ponte Vecchio over the Arno river, Florence, Italy (10.04.2022)
Kathedrale Santa Maria del Fiore, Florence, Italy (10.04.2022)
Piazza della Signoria, Florence, Italy (10.04.2022)
Ponte Vecchio, Florence, Italy (11.04.2022)
Pantheon, Rome, Italy (11.04.2022)
Marcello Theater, Rome, Italy, Contribution for WORLD WIDE PANORAMA (11.04.2022)
Terrazza del Pincio, Rome, Italy (12.04.2022)
Villa Borghese, Water clock, Rome, Italy (12.04.2022)
Terrazza Viale del Belvedere, Rome, Italy (13.04.2022)
Piazza Venezia at night, Rome, Italy (13.04.2022)
Rochuskapelle, Bingen, Deutschland (16.04.2022)
Garten der Ruine Ehrenfels, Rüdesheim, Deutschland (16.04.2022)
Cafe Roussillon, Paris, France (26.07.2022)
Seattle Airport Arrival Hall (08.01.2023)
Seattle Airport Baggage Claim (10.01.2023)
Super Bowl vs Kirkland Moss Bay (12.02.2023)
Microsoft Visitor Center (12.05.2023)
Lāhainā Banyan Court, Maui, Hawaii (11.08.2023)
Kualoa Regional Park, Oahu, Hawaii (18.09.2023)
Kahanamoku Beach, Oahu, Hawaii (18.09.2023)
Ala Moana Center, Oahu, Hawaii (18.09.2023)
Kualoa Ranch, Oahu, Hawaii (18.09.2023)
Kahanamoku Beach Pier, Oahu, Hawaii (18.09.2023)
Honolulu Shopping Street, Oahu, Hawaii (19.09.2023)
Kahanamoku-Strand unter Palmen (19.09.2023)
Hilton Hawaiian Village, Honolulu, Hawaii (19.09.2023)
The Balcony Panorama (20.09.2023)
Panotools projections example (20.09.2023)
Der schönste Tag im Jahr 🍂 🌞 (07.10.2023)
Uneven Exposures (13.10.2023)
Kirchberg Shopping Mall, Luxembourg (28.12.2023)
Bürgermeister Neff Platz, Bingen am Rhein, Deutschland (07.01.2024)
Statue von Ludwig IV, Bingen am Rhein, Deutschland (08.01.2024)
Rhein-Nahe-Eck Aussichtspunkt, Bingen am Rhein, Deutschland (08.01.2024)
Rheinpromenade, Bingen am Rhein, Deutschland (08.01.2024)
Hochwasser der Nahe, Bad Kreuznach, Deutschland (08.01.2024)
TTArtisan 7.5mm f/2.0 Fisheye Lens (16.01.2024)
Westin Maui Resort, Ka'anapali, Maui, Hawaii (17.02.2024)
Panotools projections (18.02.2024)
Uneven Exposures and correction (07.03.2024)
Pike Place Market, Seattle (20.03.2024)
Combine pictures with PTGui, Focus stacking (20.03.2024)
Torte - 2x24 🥳🎉🎂 (08.04.2024)
Microsoft East Campus, Redmond, WA (08.05.2024)
Laowa 4mm f/2.8 Fisheye Lens (09.05.2024)
Carillon Point Dock, Kirkland, WA (20.06.2024)
PTGui fill hole option (21.06.2024)
Seattle Waterfront Park Project (21.06.2024)
Snoqualmie Falls Wasserkraftwerk (05.07.2024)
Autumn Equinox Sunset ♎ (21.09.2024)
Overlake Hospital, Bellevue, WA (21.12.2024)
PTGui vs HeliconFocus (29.12.2024)
Kirkland Piers ᚅ (19.01.2025)
Minestrone 🍲 (22.02.2025)