Borbin the 🐱

Colosseum, Rome, Italy

25 March, 2022

Das Kolosseum ist ein Amphitheater inmitten von Rom. Es ist das größte Amphitheater, das jemals gebaut wurde.

The Colosseum is an amphitheatre in the centre of the city of Rome. It is the largest ancient amphitheatre ever built.

Interactive Panorama of the Colosseum

Fisheye as the universal wide angle lens

18 March, 2022

Using a fisheye lens for street pictures as a universal wide angle lens lets you choose how the projection should look like.

Index strip created with cPicture.

Rectangular projection

Equirectangular projection

Using a wide angle lens, you need to step much further to the back to get this field of view. With the fisheye, you stand right at the first step line.

Castel Sant'Angelo, Rome, Italy

18 March, 2022

Die Dachterasse des Schloß Sant'Angelo.
Sant'Angelo ist ein Schloß aus dem 2. Jahrhundert und hat eine Sammlung von Möbel und Bildern in den Renaissanceapartments.

The roof top of the Castel Sant'Angelo.
Castel Sant'Angelo is a 2nd-century castle housing furniture & paintings collections in Renaissance apartments.

Interactive Panorama of the Castel Sant'Angelo

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