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Michelangelo's David, Florence, Italy

17 March, 2022

Michelangelo's David ist ein Panorama fĂŒr WorldWidePanorama. Die Statue wurde im 16. Jahrhundert von einem 5m hohen und 12t schweren Marmorblock gehauen und representiert einen perfekten menschlichen Körper.

Die 9 Bilder fĂŒr das Panorama wurden innerhalb von 10s gemacht um das Problem von bewegten Personen und verfĂŒgbaren Platz zu reduzieren. Dieses Panorama wurde vollstĂ€ndig in PTGui ohne weitere Hilfsprogramme und Nachbesserungen gemacht. Die Maskenfunktion in PTGui wurde verwendet um die Trennlinien zwischen den Einzelbilder genau festzulegen. Das Bodenbild wurde mit Perspektivkorrektur optimiert da es etwas außer Mitte war, aber zuviel Ausrichtung hĂ€tte das gesamte Panorama verzogen. Wie David selber, ist das Panorama so perfekt.

Michelangelo's David is a contribution for the WorldWidePanorama. The statue was carved in the 16th century from a 5m tall 12 ton block of marble and represent perfect human anatomy.

This panorama was done without any post processing and exclusively using PTGui and the mask feature to force the seam lines to solve the unaligned images. The nadir image was optimized using the perspective control as it was slightly out of center, but forcing the alignment there would had shifted the main images too much.

Interactive Panorama of Michelangelo's David

Blick auf die David-Statue vom Eingang aus.

View to the statue from the entrance.

AI code calculus examples

11 October, 2021

Example scripts to calculate the integral and zero points of functions using the AI code programmable calculator for Android.


// Math calculus examples

// Store the function in a variable 'fx1' .
// -e^(x-2)
{ 2 - e swap ^ -1 * } sto.fx1

// Integral
0    // start
2    // end
0,001    // precision
rcl.fx1  // f(x) as lambda

// Zero point, uses the function inline.
-3    // start
{ sto.x rcl.x dup dup * * rcl.x dup * + rcl.x 4 * - 4 - }    // x^3+x^2-4x-4

See the pre installed scripts for more examples.

AI code at Google Play

Project AI code update

11 October, 2021

AI code is a programmable calculator for Android.
AI code supports Forth-style definitions, variables, code import and lamda expressions. The latest update adds Vector/Matrix operations and statistics. Along with the color coded editor it is a new concept of using a programmable calculator.

// Vector, Matrix in variable
[ 1 2 3 ] "Vector " +
[ [ 3 2 1 ]
  [ 1 0 2 ] ] "Matrix " +


// Matrix multiplication
[ [ 1 2 ]
  [ 0 1 ]
  [ 4 0 ] ]

[ [ 3 2 1 ]
  [ 1 0 4 ] ]


// solve system of equations
[ [ 1 2 3 ]
[ 1 1 1 ]
[ 3 3 1 ] ]

[ 2 2 0 ]


// Matrix invert
[ [ 1 2 0 ]
  [ 2 4 1 ]
  [ 2 1 0 ] ] 


See the pre installed scripts for more examples.

AI code at Google Play

Project AI code

27 March, 2021

AI code is a programmable calculator for Android.
It is also available within the StockRoom App to support financial calculations.

AI code supports Forth-style definitions, variables and lamda expressions. As an engineer, I have been using a HP calculator since University and this is how I imagine a modern programmable calculator. The app comes preloaded with lots of example code to try out.
Use :clearcode to remove all examples, and :defaultcode to restore all examples.

See also Project AI code update and AI code calculus examples

AI code @github

Observe the secret message to find out what AI stands for and enjoy the psychedelic dots while staring at the keys.

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