Borbin the 🐱

Math Question #2

25 November, 2017

Here is second one:

The trick is to bring the x to the right side, and set x to 0. This is the first equation for b.
Then with b in place, get the second equation. Isolate a and substitute 0 for x. This gets a

Math Question #1

25 November, 2017

I'm helping out with Highschool math, and some of the questions are so cool!

Here is one:

The solution is to get the two equations from the derivative. With a 4-th order polynomial we get 3 points of equal slope, but only 2 have a common Tangent line.
Then it gets super easy!

Custom airfilter box version 2.0

26 September, 2017

The custom airfilter box needed an update. Too much air flow caused a lean mixture.
The solution is an adjustable air flow.

The tubes were made out of stainless steel, grade 304.

Changed the filter from 6" length to 5" length (K&N Filter RD-0610) to cover for the air adjustment lever.

Custom airfilter box

21 September, 2017

The current airfilter box of my motorcycle is undersized. Way too small and has the wrong connection tubes to the carbs which are not symmetrical. Note the diameter getting larger towards the carbs!
The restricted airflow makes it also very difficult to dial in the correct fuel-air-ratio.

To change this, I designed a new airfilter box that takes care of all the shortcommings:

Here are some pictures of the 'making of':

Using the Optrel Weldcap for Sun Eclipse 2017

21 August, 2017

August 21st 2017
Sun Eclipse over North America

Using the Optrel Weldcap to watch the sun eclipse seemed like a great idea.

Worked great to begin with, but unfortunately the Weldcap failed after 10min and the auto darkening switched on and off.
Weldcrap! This was quite a unsafe experience. Best thing to do was this:

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