Translate to any language using PowerShell
01 June, 2024
Google's online translation service is an easy way to translate text into any language.
For example:
[string]$text = "The picture."
online-translate "de" $text
The returned translation is "Das Bild."
[string]$text = "The picture search is finished. %1!d! pictures have been scanned and %2!d! duplicate pictures were found.\nWould you like to see the list with the duplicate picture names?"
online-translate "de" $text
The returned translation is "Die Bildsuche ist beendet. %1!d! Bilder wurden gescannt und %2!d! Es wurden doppelte Bilder gefunden. Möchten Sie die Liste mit den doppelten Bildnamen sehen?"
Please note the unmodified placeholders (Ensure to use the REST API setting 'client=gtx').
This is all done with a PowerShell script using the public Google REST API:
Translate any text for a language using the google online translation service.
function online-translate([string]$language, [string]$text) {
# Escape newlines.
$text = $text.Replace("`n", '\n')
# The google rest API.
[string]$uri = "$language&q=$text&sl=auto&dt=t"
[string]$response = (Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $uri -Method Get).Content
# Combine the segments of the response to a single string.
# Regex is rather simple: Use the start pattern '[[["', or the segment pattern ']]]],["'
# to capture the sentences in the text group.
$m = ([regex]'(?:(?:^\[\[\[)|(?:\]\]\]\],\[))"(?<text>.*?)",".*?",null').Matches($response)
[string]$translation = ($m | % { $_.groups['text'].Value }) -join ""
# Adjust the translated text.
$translation.Replace('\"', '"').Replace('\\n', "`n").Replace('\\r', "`r").Replace('[TAB]', "`t").Replace('\u003c', '<').Replace('\u003e', ">").Replace('\u003d', "=").Replace('\\\\', "\\")
The REST API response is more complex than the call itself, but with a simple regex this problem is easily solved in the function.
The starting pattern '[[["' or the segment pattern ']]]],["' is used to capture the sentences in the text group.
The number of segments depends on the text input. For example:
Small text return a single segment response:
[[["Das Bild.","Das Bild.",null,null,5]],null,"de",null,null,null,1,[],[["de"],null,[1],["de"]]]
Larger text return a multi segment response:
[[["Die Bildsuche ist beendet. ","The picture search is finished.",null,null,3,null,null,[[]],[[["84d48e73ebfa38d4d681515b81e0b72a",""]]]],["%1!d! ","%1!d!",null,null,3,null,null,[[]],[[["84d48e73ebfa38d4d681515b81e0b72a",""]]]],["Bilder wurden gescannt und %2!d! ","pictures have been scanned and %2!d!",null,null,3,null,null,[[]],[[["84d48e73ebfa38d4d681515b81e0b72a",""]]]],["Es wurden doppelte Bilder gefunden.\\nMöchten Sie die Liste mit den doppelten Bildnamen sehen?","duplicate pictures were found.\\nWould you like to see the list with the duplicate picture names?",null,null,3,null,null,[[]],[[["84d48e73ebfa38d4d681515b81e0b72a",""]]]]],null,"en",null,null,null,1,[],[["en"],null,[1],["en"]]]