Xamarin - change image for ImageButton
21 April, 2020
For my project I'm working on I needed a button with an image that needs to be changed according to a state variable using XAML and MVVM. In this case, the changing image for a start / stop button:
Add the ImageButton to the MainPage.xaml:
<local:MainPageViewModel />
<ImageButton Source="{Binding StartStopImage}"
Command="{Binding StartStopCommand}"
VerticalOptions="Center" >
Add the implementation for MVVM:
public MainPageViewModel()
StartStopCommand = new Command(async () => await StartStop());
public async Task StartStop()
recordEnabled = !recordEnabled;
StartStopImage = recordEnabled ? "stop.png" : "start.png";
public Command StartStopCommand { get; }
private string startStopImage = "stop.png";
public string StartStopImage
get => startStopImage;
startStopImage = value;
public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;
protected void OnPropertyChanged([CallerMemberName] string propertyName = null)
PropertyChanged?.Invoke(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(propertyName));