Borbin the 🐱

AI Code calculus examples

11 October, 2021

Example scripts to calculate the integral and zero points of functions using the AI code programmable calculator for Android.


// Math calculus examples

// Store the function in a variable 'fx1' .
// -e^(x-2)
{ 2 - e swap ^ -1 * } sto.fx1

// Integral
0    // start
2    // end
0,001    // precision
rcl.fx1  // f(x) as lambda

// Zero point, uses the function inline.
-3    // start
{ sto.x rcl.x dup dup * * rcl.x dup * + rcl.x 4 * - 4 - }    // x^3+x^2-4x-4

See the pre installed scripts for more examples.

AI code at Google Play