Borbin the 🐱

Coin slot cap tool

07 September, 2024

My Nikon F2 has a battery cap that can be opened or closed using a coin.

To avoid scratching the cap using a coin or any other metal shaped object, I want to fabricate a plastic tool specifically designed for this purpose. This tool would allow me to open and close the cap without causing any scratches.

The only measurable aspects of the slot are its length and depth (a is half length, b is depth).
However, I need the radius: r=f(a,b)

The radius r and side a form a right-angled triangle:

The hypotenuse (longest side) is also r, so c = r - b.
Using the Pythagorean theorem:

All this gets a radius r of 22,9mm.

Machined from a 50mm plastic round stock on the lathe, the middle ridge has precisely the calculated diameter of 45.8mm.

Snoqualmie Falls Wasserkraftwerk

05 July, 2024

Das Snoqualmie Falls Wasserkraftwerk besteht aus zwei Kraftwerken mit einer kombinierten Kapazität von 53,9 MW. Es entnimmt Wasser aus einem Stausee oberhalb der Wasserfälle, um saubere Wasserkraft für etwa 40.000 Haushalte in der Nähe von Seattle zu erzeugen. Zusätzlich hat das Kraftwerk historische Bedeutung und bietet öffentliche Parks und Wanderwege entlang des Snoqualmie River.

Dieses Panorama ist der Beitrag für den 'Future'-Event von WorldWidePanorama.

The Snoqualmie Falls Hydroelectric Plant comprises two powerhouses with a combined capacity of 53.9 MW. It draws water from a reservoir above the falls to produce clean hydropower for approximately 40,000 homes near Seattle. Additionally, the plant holds historical significance and provides public parks and trails along the Snoqualmie River.

This panorama is the contribution for the 'Future' event of WorldWidePanorama.

Interactive Panorama Snoqualmie-Falls

1/8s f/5.6 ISO 125 f=8mm

1/320s f/5.6 ISO 100/21° f=8mm

Seattle Waterfront Park Project

21 June, 2024

A new construction connecting Pike Place Market and the Seattle Aquarium.
Expected to be open in spring 2025.

1x5 Panorama with equirectangular projection

1/500s f/8,0 ISO 100/21° 16-50mm f/3,5-6,3 VR f=16mm/24mm

2x5 Panorama, 7 pictures, with equirectangular projection

1/500s f/8,0 ISO 100/21° 16-50mm f/3,5-6,3 VR f=16mm/24mm

This panorama is also used in PTGui fill hole option.

PTGui fill hole option

21 June, 2024

Creating a panorama can often lead to uncovered areas. For example a panorama created from these pictures (Seattle Waterfront Park Project):

The stitched panorama has uncovered areas. It is not a perfect rectangular area:

Using the fill hole option in the PTGui editor blends in those areas:

This is the cropped panorama without the fill hole option:

And with the option to fill holes, more of the original areas of the image are preserved:

Carillon Point Dock, Kirkland, WA

21 June, 2024

2024 Solstice, the sun at its highest elevation over Lake Washington.

This panorama is the June 2024 solstice contribution for the 'June Wrinkle' event of WorldWidePanorama.

Interactive Panorama Carillon Point Dock 1

1/1000s f/5,6 ISO 100/21° 7,5mm

Interactive Panorama Carillon Point Dock 3

Have you found the duck?

1/1000s f/5,6 ISO 100/21° 7,5mm

From Lakeview Drive

1/1000s f/4,5 ISO 100/21° 16-50mm f/3,5-6,3 VR f=16mm/24mm

1/400s f/10,0 ISO 125 16-50mm f/3,5-6,3 VR f=16mm/24mm

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